Patience: Are You Tired of Waiting?

Patience is a virtue. Having patience helps you realign your emotional responses on your journey, and trust the process toward achieving success. Embracing failures or the unknown can propel you forward with resilience. Success is often derived from the lessons we learn from failures, mistakes, and hardship. Your patience and mindset around these experiences can break you or build you, but the beauty in it all is that you have the opportunity to decide how your story goes. ​​

“All great achievements require time.” Maya Angelou

We are created to and capable of doing hard things to ultimately discover who we truly are. On the path to self-discovery have patience, give yourself grace, and embrace challenges. The opportunity to step into your power and tap into your potential is tainted every time you compare yourself to others, have negative self-talk, or allow other internal or external influences to shatter your thoughts with limiting beliefs.

Don’t compare yourself to others, trust your own timing, with life balance you find alignment and discover your innate purpose and passions. With discipline and time, you can also achieve anything your heart desires. Be willing to set intentions, put forth the effort, and good ole fashion work to attain the goals you want in life, no freebies or shortcuts. Regardless of where you may be in life, there is so much value in taking risks, embracing failures, and having patience with yourself and the journey along the way.

A short story about a lesson of patience for me. Several years ago in 2012, I began a health journey. I was determined to shed some pounds and get on a healthier path in life. I was roaring and ready to do whatever was necessary to reach my goal, considering I attempted this journey before and it felt like I kept cheating myself. I realized in order to see a difference, I had to do something different and stick with it. However, after a few weeks of healthy eating and working out I felt I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted to see fast enough. During this time I contemplated giving up, I felt like I was torturing myself and I began to question if what I was doing was even worth the undertaking. I had to condition my body, my mind, and my taste buds for the changes that were being made. It was truly mind over matter! This personal battle taught me a valuable lesson about patience. I realized that even though I wasn’t seeing immediate results, my body and thoughts were literally in transformation even though I did not see it– my disinclination to this phase of the journey was essentially a necessary part of the process. It took me nearly 90 days to start seeing small changes in my body, even though I felt healthier almost instantly. However, the results motivated me to stay focused.

I used my health journey as a simple example of patience, but this same theory can be applied to all areas of life. It’s often necessary to push yourself beyond your comfort zone and do something you haven’t done, to get something you haven’t had. Learning to recondition your thoughts in order to achieve whatever you’re trying to achieve is crucial for success. Also, knowing and understanding that something’s in life requires you to take the entire trip to reap the entire reward. We live in a world of instant gratification, but instant isn’t always best, easier, or fulfilling. The saying, “easy come, easy go” holds true; be prepared to put in work to get real results. Be a true champion and implement the patience, practices, and effort necessary to get you where you want to be.

Without patience, you can truly miss out on achieving success and reaching your goals. It can be easy to lose patience and even harder to develop patience. Nonetheless, patience is a virtue and also a great reward.

How do you think a Coach can help you in your life? If you are ready to do something special and meaningful for the rest of your life, I am here to help you find the answers within you on your journey. I know many people are unable to see beyond the past or the now, or if they can, they can’t see a way to reorient their life to get where they desire to go or do what they want to do. I can help them do both and more because YOU ARE CAPABLE. Interested in my Coaching Programs? Check them out here.


Do You Struggle to Understand the Next Steps in Achieving Your Goals?
